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Apartments and Houses for Rent Near Me in Milwaukee Rentbits is the place to begin your search for apartments and houses for rent in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The following information will help you to learn what makes Milwaukee such a fun and exciting place to live and make your home! If you are a renter looking for rental properties in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, rentbits is a great place to start your rental property search. rentbits is a national rental search engine with a mission of organizing all of the World's rental information. Use rentbits when looking for apartments for rent in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! rentbits is also a great place to find townhomes for rent in Milwaukee and condos for rent in Milwaukee and cheap apartments for rent in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. If you are an advertiser and you are looking to post listings for houses for rent in Milwaukee and apartments for rent in Milwaukee, be sure to check out our free Craigslist posting tool! Rentbits makes it easy for advertisers to post ads for houses for rent in Milwaukee and apartments for rent in Milwaukee to Craigslist! Milwaukee- City Information Milwaukee is the largest city in the U.S. state of Wisconsin and the 26th largest city in the United States. Milwaukee's estimated 2008 population was 604,477. Milwaukee is the main cultural and economic center of the Milwaukee Racine Waukesha Metropolitan Area with a population of 1,739,497 as of 2007. Once known almost exclusively as a brewing and manufacturing powerhouse, Milwaukee has taken steps in recent years to reshape its image. In the past decade, major new additions to the city have included the Milwaukee Riverwalk, the Frontier Airlines Center, Miller Park, an internationally renowned addition to the Milwaukee Art Museum, and Pier Wisconsin, as well as major renovations to the Milwaukee Auditorium. In addition, many new skyscrapers, condos, lofts and apartments have been constructed in neighborhoods on and near the lakefront and riverbanks. Milwaukee Economy Milwaukee and its suburbs are the home to the headquarters of 13 Fortune 1000 companies, including Johnson Controls, Northwestern Mutual, Manpower Inc. Jefferson Wells, Kohl's, Harley-Davidson, Rockwell Automation, Fiserv, Inc. Marshall & Ilsley Corp. Wisconsin Energy, Briggs & Stratton, Joy Global, A.O. Smith, GE Healthcare Diagnostic Imaging and Clinical Systems and MGIC Investments. The Milwaukee metropolitan area ranks fifth in the United States in terms of the number of Fortune 500 company headquarters as a share of the population. Brookfield is the leading commercial suburb of Milwaukee. Milwaukee also has a large number of financial service firms, particularly those specializing in mutual funds and transaction processing systems, and a number of publishing and printing companies. The Milwaukee area is also the headquarters of Midwest Airlines, American Signal Corporation, Bucyrus International, the Koss Corporation, Harken, Lesaffre Yeast Corporation, Evinrude Outboard Motors (Sturtevant, Wisconsin) and Master Lock. Service and managerial jobs are the fastest growing segments of the Milwaukee economy, and health care alone makes up 27% the jobs in the city. Twenty two percent of the Milwaukee workforce is involved in manufacturing. In 2009, five Milwaukee area companies were selected as leaders in their industries as Fortune magazine recognized The Worlds Most Admired Companies. Two Milwaukee companies ranked second in their field: Manpower Inc. in the temporary help industry and Northwestern Mutual in life and health insurance. Johnson Controls Inc. Glendale, placed fourth among motor vehicle parts firms. Ranked fifth were Fiserv Inc. Brookfield, in financial data services and Kohls Corp. Menomonee Falls, among general merchandisers. Milwaukee Neighborhoods Like all American cities, Milwaukee has a variety of unique neighborhoods that give the city its character. Neighborhoods in Milwaukee where you can find your perfect apartment or house for rent include, Whitefish Bay, South Milwaukee, Wauwatosa, Cudahy, North Milwaukee, East Milwaukee, Shorewood, West Allis and West Milwaukee, Use renbits for all of your Milwaukee, Wisconsin rental searches, including cheap apartments for rent in Milwaukee, luxury apartments for rent in Milwaukee, Section 8 apartments and homes in Milwaukee, low income rentals in Milwaukee and student housing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Milwaukee Culture and Living Once known primarily as a beermaking town, Milwaukee today has only one major brewer, Miller. Never fear, thoughthe city of beer still has numerous taverns, bars, pubs and microbreweries. The Water Street Entertainment Center is alive and hopping with taverns, restaurants and, of course, brewpubs. Another highlight is the artsy Third Ward, a restored warehouse district that's now a National Historic Landmark featuring terrific dining, a lively nightlife scene, art galleries and antique shops. Other popular attractions include the outstanding Milwaukee County Zoo, the Midwest Express Center, and the Milwaukee Public Museum, one of the nation's finest. NBA fans can catch a Bucks game and baseball fans can cheer on the Brewers at Miller Park. Visitors can hop aboard several fun cruises on either Lake Michigan or the Milwaukee River. The city also has several great festivals, notably Summerfest and the Great Circus Parade. And no visit would be complete without sampling the two foods Milwaukee is best known for frozen custard, a premium ice cream treat that you'll find all over town, and the fish fry, available throughout the week at most restaurants, and everywhere Fridays. Milwaukee's main professional sports teams, include the Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association and the Milwaukee Brewers of Major League Baseball. Milwaukee is also the host city of The Point Premium Root Beer International Cycling Classic, presented by Time Warner Cable, which includes the men's and women's Superweek Pro Tour races, featuring top professional and elite amateur cyclists and teams from across the U.S. and more than 20 foreign countries. Between 1933 and 1994 the Green Bay Packers of the NFL split their home games between Green Bay and Milwaukee. Milwaukee Colleges and Universities Milwaukee is home to several institutions of higher learning, including: Alverno College, Bryant and Stratton, Cardinal Stritch University, Carroll University (Waukesha), Concordia University Wisconsin (Mequon), Herzing University, Marquette University, Medical College of Wisconsin (Wauwatosa), Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Mount Mary College, National Louis University, Sacred Heart School of Theology (Hales Corners, Wisconsin), University of Wisconsin,Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin, Waukesha (Waukesha) and Wisconsin Lutheran College. If you are a student in Milwaukee, you will need student housing! Renbits is a great place to find student housing rentals close to all of Milwaukee's colleges and Universities. Use rentbits to find houses for rent and apartments for rent in the Milwaukee area! Use rentbits to find student rentals and apartments for rent and houses for rent near the University of Wisconsin! Milwaukee Public Transportation The Badger Bus and station in downtown Milwaukee provides bus service between Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin. Stops include the UW Madison Memorial Union, Madison Bus Depot, Johnson Creek, Goerkes Corners, Milwaukee 84th St, Milwaukee Bus Depot (downtown Milwaukee), and Milwaukee Airport. The Milwaukee County Transit System provides bus services within Milwaukee County. Metro Milwaukee Cities and Communities The Greater Metropolitan Milwaukee Area consists of the following cities and communities. 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