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MD, and Washington, DC
I'll definitely keep this website in mind when I look for apartments in the future or even when friends or mine do. As you mentioned, searching for a place isn't easy and specially in DC so tools like this really make the apartment hunt easier.
— Geraldine
Thank you for following up my request, I really appreciate such high quality customer service! Thank you for your help. Warmest regards.
— Irina
Thanks for the email. In fact I am moving into a new community this Friday. The Apartment Showcase book was extremely beneficial in my search for an apartment. I wouldn't have found my new home without it. Keep up the good work!
— Lori
Thank you for your email and for following up. The Apartment Showcase website really helped me on my apartment search. Overall, it was a great experience.
— G.
I found an apartment in Silver Spring within my budget! Thank you for all your help!
— Ioana
Thank so much for your help in my search for a new place.
— Janett
Good morning, thanks for reaching out to me. I'm actually still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor because I didn't know real people actually reached out to you from these apartment search sites. LoL! So thank you for that.
— Marquita
By the way, great site, thanks! It helped me out a lot. I'm happy!
— Dea Dea
I did find an apartment and have already signed the lease on it, your website and book were most helpful for that. This experience was really excellent, because of the ready reckoner of a hand book and excellent details I found on the website. )
— Shubham
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If you’re unfamiliar with the Northern Virginia, Suburban Maryland or the Washington DC areas, use these links to get you started in finding your next apartment.