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Free Apartment Lease Agreement 1

#apartment lease agreement #

Apartment Lease Agreement 1

AP AR TMENT LEASE: Agree m ent to lease an unfurnished apartment

By this agreement, made and entered into on _________ [date]. betwe en _________,

referred to as “ lessor ,” and _________, referred to as lessee, les sor de mises and lets to

lessee, and lessee hires and takes as tenant of l essor. apartment no. _________ of the

building _________ [known as _________]. situated at _________ [addr ess ].

_________ [city]. _________ [state]. to be used and occupied by lessee as a residence and

for no other use or purpose whatever. for a term of _________ years beginning on

_________ [date]. and ending on _________ [date]. at a rental of $_________ per month,

payable monthly. in advance, during the ent ire term of this lease, to le ssor a t

_________ [addr ess ]. _________ [city]. _________ [state]. or to an y other person or

agent and at any other time or place that lessor ma y designate.

It is further mutually agreed between the parties as follows:

On the execution of this lease, lessee deposits with lessor $_________, receipt of

which is acknowledged by lessor. as security for the faithful performance by lessee of the

terms of this lease agree ment, to be returned to lessee, without interest, on the full and

faithful performance by lessee of the provisions of this lease agreement.


Lessee agrees that t he leased apartment shall be oc cupied by no m ore than

_________ [number] persons, consisting of _________ [number] adults and

_________ [number] children under the age of _________ years without the prior ,

express, and written consent of lessor .

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Views: 256 | Added by: mescalinee-1973 | Tags: Lease, free, Agreement, apartment | Rating: 0.0/0
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