5:36 PM How to Find the Best Payday Loan | ||||
#compare payday loans # How to Find the Best Payday LoanA payday loan is also often called a cash advance loan. This is a short-term loan usually of a small amount intended to temporarily cover emergencies. Often people will take a payday loan to pay a bill to avoid late fees and bad reports onto their credit history. When taking a payday loan, just like any other loan, you want to find the best option available. Other People Are ReadingContact several lenders for interest rate quotes. The interest rate may vary considerably from one lender to the next. Be sure to compare rate quotes to ensure you are getting the best rate available to you for your payday loan. Remember there is more cost involved than just interest. Usually loans will carry fees from the lender in addition to the interest being charged. Be sure to ask the lender for a list of all fees that you will be expected to pay and factor these in when making loan comparisons. Find out about re-payment terms. Ask the lender how long you have to pay the payday loan back. There should never be a penalty fee charged for paying a payday loan off in advance. Ask the lender about pre-payment penalties. If there are any, go someplace else for your loan. Compare customer service. Although interest rates and fees might be the most important to you, you do not want to do business with a company that does not have good customer service. Run a check with the Better Business Bureau before signing on the line for a payday loan. Contact the BBB in the city and state that the business is located in to find out if there have been any customer complaints about the company and if so if there were resolved appropriately.
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