7:34 PM How To Sell More Insurance Online | ||||
#life insurance on line # How To Sell More Insurance Onlineby Chris Huntley Bragging Post Twelve months ago, this life insurance blog didn t exist. In the past 6 months, I ve taken 24 life insurance applications from leads I ve generated solely through this website, with just over $30,000 commission as a result of those apps. Let me stop for a second here and say I realize that $30,000 is not a whole lot of money, but if you compare what this blog has generated with my other website (HuntleyWealth.com), the results are amazing. I spent thousands on that Huntley Wealth site, and have never generated one sale from it, and here I have this simple blog bringing in over 500 visitors per month and converting the traffic into leads. It s really quite laughable when you compare the two sites. My Huntley Wealth site is beautiful, but it was set up all wrong so no one can find it on a google search. In fact, twelve months ago, I had no web presence at all. Now, you can do a Google search for terms such as insurance for cigar smokers or life insurance that pays you back , and I m on the 1st page! A year ago, I was only licensed in the state of California. Now I hold non-resident licenses in 15 states and am selling life insurance all over the U.S.. My insurance buddies and general agency have begun asking me how I built a website that successfully generates sales so quickly. Well, let me start by telling you what hasn t worked for me. I ve been a life insurance agent for just over 5 years and have tried numerous methods to market my insurance business. none of which have succeeded until I learned how to sell life insurance on my website . Here s a quick run-down of some of the marketing techniques I ve tried that have not been successful : Mail campaigns (postcards and letters), networking groups, referral incentive programs (gave away a 42 HDTV once), advertising on websites banner ads and in newspapers, and the most costly of all purchasing life insurance leads. None of these worked for me, at least not well. HERE S WHAT WORKED FOR ME. Finally, an insurance buddy referred me to this website about Building an Online Insurance Agency . Rick Liuag, the owner of this site, changed my outlook on sales completely. I realized that most prospects these days are searching the web for information about life insurance before they buy it, and I needed a way to capture some of that market. You can probably guess he introduced me to the idea of creating this blog. I would recommend this website to anyone who is opening a new insurance business or already an insurance agent and wants to market your business effectively online . Thank you, Rick! **Update as of 7/25/2011 I m now averaging 5,000 visitors per month, and business is booming. I removed the links in the prior paragraph since Rick is no longer selling his Online Insurance Agency course. Call me for tips on ranking an insurance website in google. There s plenty of traffic for everybody, and I m happy to do some free consulting for anyone in exchange for a link on your site pointing to my website. *Written by Chris Huntley. Huntley Wealth Insurance and its representatives do not give legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal or tax adviser.
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