Best Worst Pets for Apartment Living @AptsForRent
Love those 4-Legged Friends, it’s good for you!
- Pet owners have lower blood pressures and heart rates. [1]
- Owning a pet can improve your social life. [1]
- In the U.S. about 63% of households have a pet. [2]
- Household pet ownership has risen by 2.1%, according to the 2011-2012 National Pet Owners Survey. [3]
Best Pets for Apartment Living: Extra Small Space? = Small Friend! When you’re confined to a small living space, such as a room in a shared rental, you may want to look for an animals that doesn’t require much room. Aquatic Creatures
- 15-20 minutes of looking at a fish swimming can reduce stress. [1]
- With 24 million in the U.S. fish are very popular pets. [4]
- Hermit crabs are great, too; they live in their shells and only need a little room to crawl around. [14]
Space is not an issue? = Furry Friend! Maybe you prefer an animal that you can interact with? These pets are likely more for you:
- Cats are great for cuddling and playing and are very low maintenance. [5]
- Cats seem to be the favorite pet in the country, coming in at around 85 million owned in the U.S.[2]
The Massachusetts Animal Coalition states that Weight and breed have little to do with a dogs suitability for apartment living [15]
- About 75 million dogs are household pets in the U.S.[2]
- Certain dogs, like pugs, are excellent as they’re quiet and only need a little outdoor time on a leash for exercise. [6]
- Guinea pigs only require cages for living but love to be played with as well. [9]
- Hamster wheels, tubes, and sandboxes are great for exercise within the confines of a critter’s cage. [15]
- Note: hamsters and guinea pigs are nocturnal favoring night vs. day
Perhaps you want a more social pet. A bird, such as a parrot or parakeet, can make a great pet.
- There are more than 5.2 million birds that are kept as pets in the U.S.[4]
Looking for something more exotic?
- There are more than 13 million reptiles owned as pets in U.S.households. [3]
- Snakes and geckos are excellent pets for kids and apartment dwellers alike. [8]
- Tarantulas are quiet and clean and can be fascinating to watch. [13]
In the U.S. about 4 out of 10 pet owners have more than 1 pet. [3] Not-So-Great Apartment Pets
- Chimpanzees are similar to children and need constant attention when they are young. [7]
- Turtles may seem like great pets but can carry salmonella bacteria and require large tanks. [9]
- Poisonous snakes require a great deal of precaution and care and are not recommended for the average hobbyist. [9]
Pets that require a large living space or a fenced-in yard are not suitable for apartment dwellers.
- Dogs are great pets; however, large breeds typically need plenty of room to run around or require a time investment for walks. [16]
- Rabbits require large housing, sometimes bite, and can be destructive if allowed to roam. [9]
- Goats can be cute, but they typically are avid chewers of clothes and hands. [10]
- Chickens are meant to be contained within a chicken coop, not an apartment. [11]
- Micro-pigs are small, intelligent creatures that can be house trained, but they are expensive and require companionship. [12]
Note: Many property managers will not accept the following pets:
- Reptiles by policy, ask before renting
- Livestock due to zoning regulations
- Birds due to noise regulations
Due to various regulations and policies, first check with potential rental communities to ensure acceptance of your pet(s) which often are subject to breed and/or weight restrictions.