4:32 AM Places Research Engine #apartment #manager #jobs | ||||
Compare PlacesGeography TypesOur dataset includes the United States, all 51 states (including D.C.), approximately 4000 counties, 30,000 cities, 32,000 zip codes, and a little over 140,000 neighborhoods. NeighborhoodsA neighborhood is typically referred to as a district within a town or city, usually covering a 10-mile radius. Neighborhoods differ across the US - some reference a few city blocks, while others cover a 10-mile radius. These are not census designated boundaries, though the statistics applied to each neighborhood are based on the American Community Survey results. CitiesOur set of cities are equivalent to geographies denoted "places" by the Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS). The census denotes places as areas of concentrated population including cities, towns or villages, and census designated places (CDP), which resemble cities, towns or villages, but lack their own government. The requirements for a CDP are a given name, local recognition, and geographic independence from another census designated place. They are primarily used for statistical purposes. Zip CodesWe use zip codes denoted by the Census Bureau as opposed to the USPS. In fact, the zip codes presented by the Census are called Zip Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs), which are generalized representations of the USPS zip code boundaries, but aren't exactly the same. This is because zip code boundaries, as defined by the Postal Service, are altered frequently due to changing postal needs, as well as their tendency to cross state, city, and county boundaries, which make them statistically difficult to deal with. The ZCTAs, or the census zip code counterpart, are constructed by aggregating the most basic census geographic units, census blocks, by homes whose addresses use a given zip code. Gender
Primary Language Spoken within Households
English. This bucket is the smallest of the others as it only includes English. Spanish. This includes both Spanish and Spanish Creole. Asian. Languages encompassed by the Asian category include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mon Khmer Cambodian, Hmong, Thai, Laotian, Vietnamese, and other Asian languages. Indo-European. This is the broadest of the categories as it includes French and French Creole, Patois Cajun, Italian, German, Portuguese and Portuguese Creole,Yiddish, other West Germanic languages, Scandinavian languages (like Swedish and Norwegian), Greek, Russian, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, other Slavic languages, Armenian, Persian, Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu, and other Indic languages. Other. Within the other language group are the Native American languages like Navajo and Cree, African languages like Swahili and Somali, as well as Hungarian, Arabic, and Hebrew. Marital Status
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