8:36 AM Rhode Island Housing: find an apartment | ||||
Find an Apartment Our Rental Resource Guide contains apartment listings and offers key information on what services are available to Rhode Islanders so they can find an apartment that meets all of their needs. Click here and fill out the requested information and we will send you a copy of the Rental Resource Guide. Finding a home can be a very emotional process and Rhode Island Housing encourages people to carefully select a home they can afford — not only to rent or buy — but to keep as long as they need to. For this reason, we offer services like Homebuyer Education as well as consultation with a loan officer or through our HelpCenter. Our highly trained professionals can work with you to help you make the decision that is right for you and your family. Rhode Island Housing offers an extensive line of products and services to help you rent or buy a safe, healthy home that you can afford to keep. For more information, contact one of our lending specialists who will partner with you to find the solution that meets your individual needs and financial situation. If renting is the right option for you, we can help you find a safe, healthy home you can afford to rent. If you need other housing assistance, including emergency housing assistance, we can help connect you there too. If you would like to view homes available in all price ranges, visit: RILiving. HomeLocatorRI.net provides thorough, detailed information about homes for sale in Rhode Island that receive government funding and meet state and federal affordability criteria. Click here to visit HomeLocatorRI.net. Assistance for Immediate Housing NeedsIf you need immediate assistance finding a home due to a temporary housing crisis such as due to eviction because your landlord has been foreclosed upon, the Emergency Housing Assistance Program If you feel you are a victim of unfair housing practices, visit Fair Housing RI to learn more about your rights and to access resources. Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is the federal government’s major program for helping income-eligible participants afford safe, healthy homes in their community. The Housing Choice Voucher Program allows the individual or family to choose a home, including their present home, and use a voucher to obtain rental assistance. The landlord must agree to the terms of the program and the home must meet safety requirements. The landlord receives a housing subsidy directly from Rhode Island Housing, on behalf of the participating family. The family then pays the difference between the rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program. Section 8 Subsidized Apartments While there may be a lengthy waiting list for most of these homes, you may want to contact the public housing authority in the community in which you wish to reside to get your name on the waiting list or to obtain more information. You may also want to contact the managers of these homes for rent that were created with assistance from Rhode Island Housing to help provide safe and healthy homes that Rhode Islanders can afford. If you would like to view homes to rent or buy in the low to moderate price range, visit HomeLocatorRI.net.
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