12:11 PM Small Group Ice Breakers: 25 Good Questions | ||||
#ice breaker questions #Small Group Ice Breakers: 25 Good QuestionsO ne of the best parts of my job of being a pastor is that I am able to lead two small groups. I have been a small group leader for about thirteen years as I believe strongly in the value and benefits of small groups. There are many things that I love about being involved in small groups but often the main reason that people join a group is to get to know other people better. Now don’t misunderstand me, I know that people join groups to learn and study the Bible more and even to be involved in service projects and other activities, but I think that most people, deep down inside, join groups because they want and yearn to be closer connected to other people. In these groups friendships are often developed that help people grow together to be more like Jesus. I say all of that to tell you how committed that I am to small groups. Small Group LeaderThe small group leader is very important to the group. This sounds like a simple statement but it is oh so critical. I have the privilege of overseeing the small group ministry in our church and I love investing in the lives of our leaders. There are many key elements to being a good small group leader but one thing that is so important to the group is to have everyone be involved in every aspect of the group. This includes the Bible Study discussion and prayer time too. These reasons are why I am writing this article today. A good ice breaker will get people talking and many times laughing and ultimately bonding with the other group members. I believe that having ice breakers in the beginning of a small group meeting will often help the discussion and prayer time to be something that everyone will join in and be engaged with. A good ice breaker will get people talking and many times laughing and ultimately bonding with the other group members. When we use the emotions and laugh and cry together, we will begin to form and also continue to deepen our bonds with each other. Ice Breaker Questions
In my opinion, icebreakers are not just something to do once in a while to change things up. I try to use one before every group meeting. This list is just a starting point as there are many more. You will be amazed at the discussions and conversations that will be started by opening your group meeting with an ice breaker question. My guess is that the people that are reading this article are probably group leaders. If you are a group leader, you may have some others that you like better than these. I encourage you to bless us all and add any icebreaker you have in the comment section. Leading a small group takes hard work and I believe this includes not just showing up with your study in hand but think through how you will get people talking and comfortable so that when you study the Bible later on in your group, everyone will feel welcome and encouraged to join in. Take a look at this related article:
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