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istanbul apartments

#Istanbul Apartments for Rent - Rent a flat in Istanbul

GET YOUR SELFIES ON TWITTER WITH #ISTANBULSHSELFIE. We ask you to take your selfie(s). either by yourself or with your loved ones, in whichever Istanbul Sweet Home apartment you are staying and share it (them) on twitter with the hashtag #IstanbulSHSelfie. We would absolutely appreciate some lovely comments, too. READ MORE

MORE ON ISTANBUL EYE. This apartment is the biggest one (in squaremeters) that we are renting out in Istanbul. It sits on three floors and on the first floor, you have two bedrooms and the bathroom. The second floor covers both the living room. dining room and the kitchen all together. It s a whole big area where the kitchen is open. Finally stairs lead you to the third floor which is actually the terrace. You have a full panoramical view of the Bosphorus and the city and you can always enjoy it especially in good weathers. READ MORE

HOW TO BLEND IN LOCAL LIFE IN ISTANBUL . While some people prefer a much touristic approach, such as picking holiday packages and staying in hotels. some others take it more traveller s way. They rather stay in hostels or rent apartments. eat and drink where locals go and so on READ MORE

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Looking for a comfortable accommodation in the heart of Istanbul.

Views: 369 | Added by: mescalinee-1973 | Tags: Istanbul, In, for, rent, Flat, apartments | Rating: 0.0/0
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- John Doe, creative director

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