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subsidized apartments

What Are Subsidized Apartments? | Apartment Ratings

Subsidized apartments are available as part of a government-controlled housing initiative to help people with low income. There are several different programs offered to people of all different categories to help them with their housing needs. It is important to note that not everyone will qualify for a subsidized apartment, so it best to take a look at the different types of housing available and the respective requirements.

Subsidized Apartment Programs

There are 6 different subsidized housing programs administered by the government, and they include:

  • Cooperative This type of subsidized housing is controlled by a board of directors that determines the monthly rental fee.
  • Housing Subsidies In this program, the government gives funding to housing complexes for the assistance of low-income families.
  • Non-Profit This program also receives funding from the government, but the properties are owned by non-profit groups.
  • Private Sector Similar in nature to housing subsidies where government funding is given to owners, but the properties are privately owned.
  • Public This is property that is actually owned by the government and available to low-income qualifiers.
  • Rent Supplement In this program, the government gives money to owners that house low-income renters, paying a portion of the rent for those renters.


First and foremost, only certain groups of people are eligible for a subsidized apartment, including the elderly, the homeless, low-income families with small children, and victims of domestic abuse. So, the first thing to do is to figure out if you fit into one of these categories.

Each of the six categories for subsidized housing has different qualifications. In general, your financial situation and your current family situation will be reviewed in order to determine if you are eligible. Demographics such as in what state you live, the estimated cost of living in that state, and your current income will be factored into an equation to determine if your income is relative to your obligations. Keep in mind that just because you don t qualify for one program, it does not mean that you won t be able to get some type of assistance through another program.

It would difficult to make a guess on how low your income would need to be in order to qualify for one of these programs. Because minimum wage earnings and the cost of living in each state and city vary, it would not be feasible for the government to set a generic income level for the entire nation; each case is circumstantial.

Things to Consider

Before you decide to apply for any type of subsidized apartment, be prepared to provide proof of your income, identification, marital status and how many children are in the home; these will all be large factors in determining your eligibility.

If you decide that you need to live in some type of subsidized apartment, be sure to apply as quickly as you can. Some state governments review and confirm applications based on an applicant s current status and qualifications, while others give benefits on a first-come first-served basis.

Views: 360 | Added by: mescalinee-1973 | Tags: subsidized, apartments | Rating: 0.0/0
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